Shoulder pain can be especially difficult to solve. This is because the shoulder is such a complex joint. It is also due to the fact that many cases of shoulder pain result from "HIDDEN CAUSES". Read more below...
We all take our shoulders for granted... until they don't work like they should. Normally your shoulders do an amazing amount of very complex maneuvers. There area 8 primary muscles of the shoulder girdle that move the bones of the shoulder joint.
For more than 35 years we have addressed ALL kinds of painful joint issues... without surgery, injections or drugs. How is this possible? It is really quite simple in concept: determine why the joint (SHOULDER) is not functioning properly and resolve the problem to improve function. Of course, the causes of dysfunction vary, so actually accomplishing this task can sometimes be a challenge. But that's what we LOVE to do!
Our treatments are unique... because if the average treatment was working, people would not have chronic pain! We have worked for 35 years serving more than 10,000 patients to find real, reliable answers to chronic pain. Real relief for persistent SHOULDER PAIN... that lasts.
When it comes to solving chronic joint pain problems... EXPERIENCE MATTERS!
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